Test Prep & Study Skills Tutoring

Effective note-taking, planning, time management, and test preparation are important skills for students to learn to alleviate anxiety and do well in any course.

Schedule weekly sessions focusing on ‘Test Prep, Study Skills & Organizational Support’ so your teen can look to the week ahead, and organize their workload to be ready for class. Our teachers will teach creative strategies so your teen can feel confident, stay ahead of class material, and avoid cramming the night before.

An Asian female teen is sitting at a desk looking at a laptop. She is smiling with a pencil clenched between her teeth. She has a red cardigan on with a white blouse underneath.
  • “My son got his math test back earlier this week. Not sure if he mentioned it to you Kath but he got 100% on the test. He was extremely proud. It was the first thing he said to me when he walked in the door the day that he received it. He proceeded to share it with his Dad and his two siblings and post it to the fridge! Thank you again for all of your support and also the encouragement you provide to him. His confidence is absolutely improving!”

    S.DC, Toronto, ON

  • "Yes! [My son] was so thrilled about his test. He was pleased with the mark but more so that he knew what to do when it was placed in front of him which is great news.”

    A.JP., London, ON

  • "Also just wanted to mention [my daughter] got an A on her most recent test at school. She has had a great year thus far in math and we have seen her confidence grow."

    A.J., London, ON