How We Can Help You

Diamond Teachers Group provides online tutoring and educational content to students across Canada. With a team of hundreds of teachers, we are able to provide support for all subjects and grade levels.

We would be happy to partner with other educational organizations, including businesses, schools or psychologists, to offer our services to support a wider range of students.

If you would like to find out more about partnership opportunities, please call us 1-800-428-8164 or email

Here are some examples of the types of services we’ve offered:

  • We have provided online tutors to multiple public and private schools in Ontario in 1:1 and group settings. In-person tutoring on campus may be possible.

  • We have connected many private schools to certified teachers in order to successfully fill part- and full-time teaching positions.

  • We have created experiential education programs for companies which included classroom activities that aligned with the K-10 Ontario curriculum and field trip experiences with the companies. The companies then used our programs to promote their field trips to schools in order to provide students with extended learning opportunities.

  • We have partnered with psychologists to provide their young patients, recently given a psychoeducational assessment, with certified teachers who have Special Education experience and can support them academically.

  • We have provided ESL and FSL language teachers to companies in order to support their employees’ language skills for the workplace.

  • We have supported child actors virtually with their schooling while on location filming. In-person may be available.